Photo Gallery - Summer School

A few selected photos from our C-CASCADES Summer School to have an idea of Peyresq's beauty, our Field Trip to Villefranche-sur-mer and Monaco and training sessions. Thanks a lot to our photographers: Marie-Sophie Maier, Anna Canning, Jo Uhlbäck, Leo Rodrigues and Léo Cloarec.

Peyresq Village:

              Village of Peyresq                                                      Peyresq                                         Day-Off: hicking around Peyresq
Women-team (missing Marie, the photographer)          Jens, Jo and Audrey                                              Lunch time
      J. Berlo and Peyresq's memory                          Guide tour of Peyresq                                            Central place

Field trip to 'Observatoire de Villefranche', 'Centre Scientifique de Monaco' and 'AIEA':

 M. Cousin's presentation  of OOV                        Talk by J-P Gattuso                                            Discussion about sea probe
Dr. Hervé Claustre showcasing a sea probe            Break in the Mediterrean Sea                             Group photo in Monaco
      Jens next to coral nursery, CSM                   Visit of the tropical corals aquarium          Radioecology laboratory: students in lab coat


       Prof. P. Regnier's expert lecture                                                          Poster session