
In this section, you will find all C-CASCADES outreach documents aimed for all public:

- Videos presenting C-CASCADES project - by some senior reseachers and our ESRs
Short videos present an overview of the project as well as results highlights.

- 'The journey of carbon from land to ocean and its importance for CO2 budgets and climate projections' - C-CASCADES final factsheet.
This factsheet is aimed for all public (scientists, stakeholders and general audience) to explain the importance of C-CASCADES project for Climate Projections and the main results achieved during the project.

- 'Le cycle du carbone le long du continuum aquatique continent-océan : implications pour les budgets de CO2 et les projections climatiques' - brochure finale C-CASCADES.
Cette brochure, destinée à tout public, explique l'importance du projet C-CASCADES pour les projections climatiques et les principaux résultats obtenus durant le projet.

- 'Le changement climatique et le cycle du carbone' - a presentation (in French) by our ESRs.
The content was set up as a team-work from all 15 ESRs, and it was presented in French by Audrey Marescaux, Domitille Louchard and Jens Terhaar during the Summer School in Peyresq, at the 'Auberge de l'Oustalet', La Colle-Saint-Michel, France on August 23rd, 2016, for people living or in vacation in the area. A great success! See the flyer.
J. Berlo and the speakers                                       A. Marescaux presenting                                               The public

- 'The importance of the Land-Ocean Aquatic Continuum carbon cycle for climate projections' - a C-CASCADES factsheet.

This factsheet is aimed for all public (scientists, stakeholders and general audience) to explain the importance of C-CASCADES project for Climate Projections. It will be updated at the end of the project to include our results.

- 'Le cycle du carbone le long du continuum aquatique continent-océan: un élément-clé pour les projections climatiques' - brochure C-CASCADES.
Cette brochure, destinée à tout public, explique l'importance du projet C-CASCADES pour les projections climatiques. Elle sera mise à jour à la fin du projet pour y inclure tous nos résultats.

- 'C-CASCADES - Carbon Cascades from Land to Ocean in the Anthropocene - an overview of the project' - a presentation by Pierre Regnier and some ESRs
This presentation was given during the Training Workshop 5 (TW5) in Paris, at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) on November 16th, 2018. The audience was composed by researchers, professionals from private companies and public non-academic French institutions. 

- 'Le Changement Climatique et le Cycle du Carbone' - 'Global Carbon Budget 2017' - posters presented by our 2 ESRs from ULB, Adam Hastie & Philip Pika.
These posters were presented during the 'I love Science festival' in Brussels (Belgium) on April 27th, 2018. They were part of the stand 'Marie-Curie Actions' organised by the EU. The public was schools and families.