List of Work Packages 


WP1: Process Understanding: Technical developments, observations & experiments

  • Optimization and adaptation of sensors for CO2, CH4 and O2 across the full river-ocean mixing regime
  • Temporal variations of greenhouse gas fluxes from headwaters to downstream water systems
  • Particulate organic carbon dynamics along the LOAC
  • Influence of organic carbon quality changes on greenhouse gas emissions from inland waters
  • Inorganic and organic carbon pathways in the Seine River system

WP2: Regional scale applications: benchmark studies on hotspot areas 

  • The role of deltas as carbon sinks and sources – a study of the Danube
  • Catchment/continent scale model for organic carbon and particle dynamics in Malaysia and Europe including the Arctic section
  • The imprint of the Amazon river system on the Atlantic carbon cycle
  • The effects of riverine delivery of nutrients and carbon on the biogeochemistry of the Arctic ocean under future climate change
  • The role of Arctic Sub-sea permafrost in the carbon cycle

WP3: Global scale modelling and feedbacks on Earth system processes

  • Reservoir and lake effect on carbon fluxes through the LOAC
  • Carbon burial, benthic-pelagic coupling and feedbacks on the global carbon cycle
  • Representation of lateral transfer of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) from land to the river system in JULES
  • Modelling dissolved organic carbon river transport at global scale in the ORCHIDEE process based land surface model, from soils emissions to estuaries
  • Global and regional contribution of riverine fluxes to ocean carbon and nutrient cycling

WP4: Training Activities

  • Description: The overall objective of WP4 is to coordinate the training activities of C-CASCADES. In particular, WP4 will supervise the recruitment of the project ESRs, organize the C-CASCADES summer school, monitor the network training workshops, mini-conferences and secondments, and centralise the ECTS-based training credits for each ESR.
  • Lead institution: UNEXE
  • Training Manager: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (UNEXE); Training Coordinator: Prof. P. Friedlingstein (UNEXE) seconded by Dr. S. Arndt (UNIVBRIS)

WP5: Outreach & Dissemination

  • Description: The overall objective of WP5 is to coordinate the outreach and dissemination activities of C-CASCADES. In particular, WP5 will organize outreach at project level. Three distinct user families have been identified, with different needs: the general public, stakeholders involved in water management and GHG mitigation policy, and the research community. Specific actions will be undertaken in the WP to meet the need of these users and increase the visibility and impact of the project results.
  • Lead institution: CNRS-IPSL
  • Outreach coordinator: Prof. Philippe Ciais (CNRS-IPSL) seconded by Dr. Josette Garnier (CNRS-IPSL)

WP6: Management

  • Description: The overall objective of WP6 is to manage and coordinate the C-CASCADES consortium
  • Lead institution: ULB
  • Project Manager: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (ULB); Project coordinator: Prof. Pierre Regnier (ULB)